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1. I will place the emotional and physical well-being of my players ahead of any personal desire to win.
2. I will remember to treat each player as an individual, remembering the large spread of emotional and physical development for the age group.
3. I will support a drug, alcohol and tobacco-free sports environment and agree to assist by refraining from their use at all North Shore Football events.
4. I will do my best to organize practices that are fun and challenging for all my players.
5. I will lead by example by demonstrating fair play, sportsmanship and treating each player, opposing coach, referee, and league official with respect.
6. I will never deliverately instruct any player to harm an opposing player or support in any fashion, deliberate actions cuasing bodily harm to an opposing player.
7. I will insure that I am knowledgeable in the rules of the sport that I coach and that I will teach these rules to my players.
8. I will remember that I am a youth coach and that the game is for the children and not for adults.
9. I will abide by the North Shore Football League “Blue Book” Article 5 Sub Section C which states the following:
C. Player Training and Participation:
In order to continue with the League's policy of training youngsters to play both offensive and defensive ball, coaches are expected to conduct their practices in such a way as to ensure that the players receive the proper training to be able to play on both sides of the ball. Every player dressed for a game, must play in the game. This rule will be enforced by spot-checking. The reason for this rule is to ensure that all boys/girls participate. Coaches are expected to abide by this rule. It is expected that each player on a team roster will be given the opportunity to play and will be allowed to dress for all games. Benching for disciplinary reasons, must be reported to the V.P. of Inter Park, as well as, the parents of the player involved, by the coaching staff. Coaches are expected to adhere to the attached Code of Ethics (Article 17) and instill good sportsmanlike conduct in all players, as per attached guidelines. Any injuries must be reported to the V.P. of Inter Park or V.P. of Inter City.
10. At the Atom, Mosquito and Peewee level each player is expected to play for at least one quarter of football. A quarter of football is defined by eight (8) to fifteen (15) plays during the game. The minimum of eight may NOT include special teams play (Kickoff, Kickoff Return, and Converts). Special team plays may only be included in the players total plays after the mandatory eight plays have been surpassed. *Exceptions may be made by the head coach only in certain instances, (injury, disciplinary action etc...) The head coach MUST then inform the park director of these exceptions before the game. Signature of Coach Date
11. I will communicate to parents and players the rules by which the team and individuals will be evaluated, disciplined and rewarded in order to prevent any misunderstandings.
12. I will exhibit proper behaviour at practices and games and the use of foul or abusive language is strictly prohibited.